Thursday, April 12, 2012

April 9, 2012

Feliz Páscoa! Yesterday was Easter and it was great!! Mainly for two reasons. First of all Natália was finally confirmed! It only took a month for this to happen. Getting her to church yesterday turned out to be a bit of a fiasco. We went to her house before church to make sure she was coming. But when we got there everything was still locked up for the night. We clapped at the door, called her name and called her phone but to no avail. We finally gave up and headed for churchy. At church we called her a couple more times but she still wasn’t answering. We were so disappointed! We decided to try to go to her house one last time. We asked one of the five people in the ward who has a car to drive us there during Sunday school. We clapped again and called her name and this time Natália answered! We had woken her up so we had to wait while the whole family got ready. This took them a while but they finally were ready and we drove back to the chapel. We made it just in time too! As we walked in the last verse of the opening hymn was beginning. That is the story of Natália’s confirmation. It was hard, but definitely worth it. She looked so happy when she was walking off the stand.

The second reason yesterday was awesome is we got letters! Just so the people know, I got letters from Paige, Eric, and Grandma. So expect one from me in a month or so. It turned out that I didn’t get your package yet mom. When the elder said that there was a package waiting for you in Teresina he did not mean you, as in Sister Miller, but you as in the sisters in general. That kind of stunk. But Sister Smith and Moda got one which is better because Sister Smith had a birthday in March and Sister Moda has her birthday this week. I think that your package will get here in time for my birthday in July. Haha, just kidding. But really, the mail here is super slow. Thank you everyone for your letters and for making my Easter wonderful!

Some more news! We finally met up with Douglas this week. He is the 16 year old investigator I have told you about- at least I think I have told you about him. He is very eager to learn everything about the gospel, but not very eager to be baptized. The other day we set a date for him to be baptized and he accepted. He accepted but still wasn’t very excited. It has been really hard to meet him because he works in the afternoons. But we finally caught him at home on Friday. We taught him a quick lesson because we had a meeting we had to go to at the chapel but you could tell that he was much more excited for baptism. He is slowly learning everything he needs and wants to know. I am very excited for him and hope he keeps making all the right

That is all the news for this week. Thank you everyone again for your letters!

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